Sex Education at School

Assalamuallaikum Wr.Wb.
The honourable,
The judge of English speech contest, The teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest, good morning. May I tell you, first of all how pleased I’m to have an opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech in front of you. My speech title is …
 Teenagers are the most important part of the growth of the country. They are the new generation. However there are many teenagers have been depraved. They run to drugs, commit suicide free sex, drink alcohol, smoking, etc. Those are spreading in teenagers’ life. And the most popular problem is free sex. Many teenagers think that sex before married is proper. We know that it is very bad for them. There are many bad effect of free sex. Such as, we can suffer from HIV/AIDS and then the pregnancy for the girls. It will damage their future. Teenagers must be given sex education especially at school. The need of comprehension about human sexuality in teenagers’ life must be fulfilled. They must know about free sex life and the sex crime that often happened. They must aware about responsibility of their self. They should get much information about sexuality rightly for them.
The information can be given by sex education at school. The teachers can describe sex for the students in order that the teenagers will avoid sex before married. School is good mediator in giving sex education for the teenagers. School has good condusif situation. School and the teachers are the second circle after the family. It will be better if the teachers hold an event like seminar with a doctor as the speaker. In order that the teenagers can get sex education deeply and give them the aim of sexual activity correctly. With sex education, the teenagers will be careful in doing something about sex. Although they know about how to avoid the pregnancy, put virginity is very important for the woman. Sex before married just makes us fall into a trap. There are some aims of sex education for the teenagers.
Which are they can understand that sexuality as the part of life. They also know about the consequences of un-responsible sex activity. So, sex education is very needed for the teenagers. Starting now, sex education must be given to them. And for sure, the teenagers that fall into free sex. Drugs, alcohol, etc just a few part of many teenagers that want to study hard, and avoiding free sex. Finally, I would like to convoy my highest appreciation. And heart felt thanks to the distinguished participants and the speakers of English speech contest today. Thank you for your kind attention, and
Wassalamuallaikum Wr.Wb

Mouse Deer and Crocodile

One day, Mouse Deer went down to the river to take a drink. But he knew that the crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat him, so he said out loud. “I wonder if the water’s warm. I’ll put in my leg and find out.” Of course Mouse Deer didn’t put in his leg. He picked up a stick instead and put one end into the water. Chomp…! Crocodile grabbed the stick and pulled it underwater. Mouse Deer laughed. “Ha… ha…ha… Stupid crocodile! Cant you tell the difference between a stick and a leg?” Then Mouse Deer ran off to drink somewhere else.

In the next day, Mouse Deer wanted to cross the river. He wanted to eat the fruits on the other side of the river. He saw a floating log in the river. He knew that Crocodile looked like a log when he floated. Mouse Deer didn’t want to be eaten by Crocodile when he crosses the river. He had an idea. He called out loud, “Crocodile!” Crocodile rose from the water, “Hello, Mouse Deer. Have you come to be my lunch?” Mouse Deer smiled. “Sorry, not today, Crocodile. I have orders from the King. He wants to invite all the crocodiles in this river to a party. He wants me to count all the crocodiles so he could prepare enough meal for you.”

“Really…? Tell us what to do,” said Crocodile. “You must line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said Mouse Deer. Crocodile then got all his friends and family. They lined up across the river. Mouse Deer then jumped onto Crocodile’s back. “One,” he counted. He jumped onto the next crocodile, “Two.” And the next crocodile, “Three.” Mouse Deer kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. “How many are there?” asked Crocodile. “Just enough,” said Mouse Deer. He laughed as he ran to the forest.***


Speech Contest

I. Introduction

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.
With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the teacher from all Senior High Schools in Bekasi, and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen… Good Morning!!
First of all, let us thank Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen.
In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme “Go Green!”

II. Contens
Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned. These impacts are causing a new problem, The “Global Warming”. In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1’ every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. The problem is, modern people not only wanted to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable & luxurious life.
The situation was very different if we looked back to the last century where the pollution, the industrial garbage, and the toxin gases were friendlier. Friendlier, because on the 19th Century the technologies improvement and the consumerism character was not yet significant. Or should we say in this millennium era, the Earth exploitation and exploration were causing the crucial problem for the earthlings.
How crucial the earth environmental problems we face are for example: The protected animals & plants from certain species nearly extinct, the plantation sector is causing another problem for environment & ecosystem, forest logging without reboization, and the impact of mines exploitation that cannot be recycled and maintenance of mine sector, etc. For us, the youth generation is asking to the politicians and the government especially in Indonesia, “Why do those problems I mentioned left uncared without any preventive actions?” In fact, our ex-Minister of Environment of “Orde Baru” era Prof. Dr. Emil Salim has warned and gave us an opinion about will happen on the next 20 years. He said that the situation will be dangerous if there are no actions to prevent this. We need the proactive steps to maintain the nature and to rehabilitee what we have disrupted from every department that is connected with the environmental cases and our community. The example about the impact of human’s greed to the nature is The Lapindo Brantas case. That’s how the nature shows us their power. There’s not even one human could stand against the power of nature. Until now, there are no ways to stop the mud throwing and even the poisonous gases that is unwanted by the people.
We as the khalifah of the Earth can only begging, begging, and begging to the nature and destroy the nature. But when we must give something to the nature or maintain the nature, we feel that we don’t want to! Is the nature retaliating our doings? When we think deeply over this I guess the answer is “yes”, the nature is angry to us. The nature’s balance was really disturbed by the mortal’s hands and this behavior has spread widely over the world because of our hedonism.
The question is “How”? How do we realize collectively for the world’s life so that so that the Earth could become a better place to live…?
We as the youth generations, the lines of the civilization must be as one to create the vision & mission to help the government and the people for watching over the reboization program and for the environment reparation that is caused by the industrialist and the people generally wherever they are. We as the youth generation without exception must be totally devote our bodies & wills for the sake of healthy world, comfortable world, and for the sake of better place to live…
I suggest to the government and the people of Indonesia to plant the cambium plants or the pot plants on every one of the house garden. Everyone, every people must be responsible for every single of plants. Imagine! If every people have 1 plant in one house, there are 200 millions of plants in Indonesia. This is a very good step to begin our mission to prevent the Global Warming. Start this on any time now! For my recommendation, the sansivieras (one of the most beautiful pot plant) is really good to kept because of its great use of anti-pollutant & anti-free radical. Besides, its beauty will decorate our house so that we won’t feel bad to buy it.
III. Closing
Well, I guess that’s all I can tell. In the end, to show our devotion as the youngish, the lines to the future, we must be balanced it with faith and taqwa because those are our capitol to realize our wishes so that we can live in perfect harmony just as Allah SWT has confirmed to us.
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Spoof: Cerita Lucu Singkat

cerita lucu bergambar

Where do you get sugart?
Teacher: What are some products of the West Indies?
Student: I don’t know.
Teacher: Of course, you do. Where do you get sugar from?
Student: We borrow it from our neighbor.
Artinya / terjemahannya cerita singkat diatas (
Teacher: Produk apa saja dari West Indies?
Student: Saya tidak tahu.
Teacher: Ayolah pastinya kamu tahu, Memang darimana kamu mendapatkan gula?
Student: Kami meminjamnya dari tetangga kami.

Patient’s Death!!
A man receives a phone call from his doctor.
The doctor says, “I have some good news and some bad news.”
The man says, “OK, give me the good news first.”
The doctor says, “The good news is, you have 24 hours to live.”
The man replies, “Oh no! If that’s the good news, then what’s the bad news?”
The doctor says, “The bad news is, I forgot to call you yesterday.”
Artinya dan terjemahannya dari cerita lucu diatas :
Seorang pria menerima telepon dari doktornya!
Doktor mengatakan, “Saya memiliki kabar baik dan buruk.”
Pria itu berkata, “Baiklah, berikan saya kabar baiknya dulu”
Doktor mengatakan, “Kabar baiknya, kau hanya memiliki 24 jam untuk hidup”.
Pria menawab, “Oh Tidak! jika itu adalah kabar bagus, lalu apa kabar buruknya?”
Doktor mengatakan, “Kabar buruknya adalah saya lupa menelopon anda kemarin”.

Penguin In The Park
Once a man was walking in a park when he
across a penguin. He took it to a policeman
and said; “What should I do?” The
policeman replied; “Take it to the zoo!”.
The next day, the policeman saw the man in
the same park. The man was still carrying
the penguin. The policeman was rather
surprised and walked up to the man and
asked; “Why are you still carrying the
penguin? Didn’t you take it to the zoo?” The
man replied; “I certainly did. And it was a
great idea because the penguin really
enjoyed it. So, today I am taking it to the
Terjemahannya dan Artinya dari Spoof diatas:
seorang pria
sedang berjalan di taman ketika ia
melintasi seekor penguin. Dia
membawanya ke seorang polisi dan
berkata, “Apa yang harus saya lakukan”
Polisi itu menjawab, “Bawa ke kebun
binatang!”. Keesokan harinya, polisi melihat
pria di taman yang sama. Pria itu masih
mengusung penguin. Polisi itu agak
terkejut dan menghampiri pria itu dan
bertanya, “Mengapa kau masih membawa
penguin Bukankah kau bawa ke kebun
binatang?” Pria itu menjawab, “Saya sama
sekali Dan itu ide bagus karena penguin
benar-benar menikmatinya Jadi, hari ini
saya membawanya ke film..”.


How to be Master of English

Let's check the causes why you difficult to be. Many people want to master but
4 causes why you difficult to master English:

The cause is the habit of Canada (sorry) ugly. If we speak reviews or, generally, we like to spin (not to the point), plus not structured, so that often we do not know which main subject, main verb, and so on. what relationship with the English language? Please read the following points!
When the cause of both is to use the English language, both via speaking and writing, we are the brain we usually into 2, the partition A to language B and a partition for the English language. First sentence is made in the first partition A, and then exported to the new partition B to be translated before finally expressed through speaking or writing.
The effect is a pattern or grammar that has been gravely trouble since learned to be forgotten because SMP partition B is too busy for translate word that is made in the partition A. Because they talk not structured, partition B to become a headache in the translation. As a result, the partition B often hangs (jammed), and no output is produced. If the partition is successfully removing the B output, the output is generally far below the standard, will the ugly English. In addition, opponents to speak often are eaten mosquitoes already asleep because wait and see.
Motivation is the third cause of that is not consistent. The motivation for student who learns English, Generally, they want to get a good value. This means that only English would be the test of time, and after the test has finished a book settle somewhere.
The fourth is the method of learning English is less precise. If you rely only on power memorize, your English will not get better.

So what solution?

Use only the partition B (and forget the partition A). By using one partition, your grammar will not be contaminated by the structure of language that you are ugly (for example, if the ugly) and communication will become more smoothly because of the reduced red tape in your brain.
If you only have the structure of language and vocabularies that has been learned since junior high school we can actually communicate with the relaxed. Believe or not? If it does not believe, please make the list first! Grouping that you have to know in nouns, verbs, Adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, Prepositions, and articles, and total. Vocabs I am sure you are far above 1000.
You know what? With just over 1000 words, we actually can have communication with the smooth, good in school, at home, in the mall, in bars, or even in a dream. With a note, if you are a blind alley, just revise the kalimatnya with the words of others. Remember, when communication in the English language, just use what you've got and forget the language of India. You will taste the difference.

Keep your motivation high steadily.

With high motivation, you will feel enjoy (do not feel Forced) to spend time for hours to read or memorize grammar, a dictionary, and practice English. If you feel bored quickly, that means you do not have enough motivation high. If my first, just an example, motivation is very high because I want to free school abroad. Then, what motivated you learn English?

Because the English language is very complex, of course, takes time to learn. Many of our friends give up in the middle of the road because of less sabaran, too want to ARRIVE at the finish line in a short time. My advice, do not be too ambisious to touch the finish line in a very short time. This will create a foundation other than the grammar you're not strong, but also can break your motivation. Rileks course, sooner or later you will ARRIVE there.

Use good learning media that fit you.

Learn the appropriate media depending on the character and lifestyle there. Media that are appropriate for other people not necessarily right for you, as well as vice versa. Next is the media that you can try:

1. Do not use the dictionary only contain the word meaning only (ie can be =, month = month, = plough plow, ect). Why? Sentence-sentence because you make a wrong. Try to note the following example 3, the likely result of such a dictionary:

* You must do (you should be)
* The month goes round the earth (earth orbit month)
* Three people ploughed the Airplane (three people hijack the plane).

2. If you like to listen to songs west then keep doing so, and if you can not nangkap its lirycs, search the internet. Here are the benefits of listening to songs in English:

* Can improve your listening skills.
* Be able to know how a certain word is pronounced.
* Can help you build vocabs, because the words in the song longer cling in your memory (especially the song-love theme song).
* Can help remembering patterns tertetu sentence. For example, songs from the Corrs, entitled "What can I do" you can make a reference about the use of capital can in a sentence; pattern of what you get from "It must've been love" by Rosette this?
* When you bersedandung in the small bathroom, you practice speaking, form a pattern, etc. ..

3. If you like watching DVDs, then watch DVD movies. Sub-title of the DVD movies will help you how particular words be vocalized. Select the most good movies you so you do not feel bored for mutarnya again.

4. Use the chat, email, or whatever that uses English.

5. Visit Blog contains grammar written in bilangual.

Practice makes perfect.

Can be as usual, the moment diligent in the broad sense, to do ordinary course, not only dream of doing (dreaming). If you are shy to practice by speaking, so listen, or reading. Among them that you are still shy, so please practice by writing. This solution and a wide right. Stop Dreaming Start Action in English is a must.

English Module (Part 8): Tape Script

Number 1
Julia Hey, Simon. Look over there! Isn’t that Nigel and his family?
Simon Yes, it is. What’s Nigel doing? Is he taking pho¬tographs of the monkeys?
Julia No silly, he isn’t. He’s feeding the monkeys!

Number 2
Girl My room isn’t very tidy. There are some books on the floor under my desk. My shoes are on my bed and my jeans aren’t in the wardrobe; they’re under the bed. There are some pens and pencils under the bed, too.

Number 3
Nigel Hello, Nigel speaking.
Simon Hello, Nigel. This is Simon.
Nigel Hi, Simon. What’s up?
Simon What about going to the cinema?
Nigel Good idea.
Simon And Karen? What’s she doing? Is she reading a book as usual?
Nigel No, she isn’t. She's in the garden with Julia. They’re lying on the grass.
Simon Well, go and ask them if they want to go to the cine¬ma with us.
Nigel OK.

Number 4
Man My animals? Well, I’ve got two dogs and a cat, a ham¬ster and two tortoises.
Woman Haven’t you got a canary, too?
Man Oh, no. I don’t like birds.

Number 5
Julia Karen, let’s play video games. Is there a computer in your room?
Karen No, there isn’t. It’s in Nigel’s room.
Julia Hmmm.
Karen Well, we can read in my room! There are lots of good detective stories on the bookshelf!
Julia Oh, Karen!

English Module (part 7): VOCABULARY WORK

Verb Noun
berhenti stop pemberhentian
meminum drink minuman
membeli buy pembelian
menunggangi ride tunggangan

Verb Noun
menari dance tarian
menelpon call telepon
bermain play permainan
memotong cut potongan

Unit Self-Test (p.2/25)
Key: Possible answers:
Julia Hello, Julia speaking.
You Hello, Julia. This is Paola.
What are you doing?
Julia Hello, Paola. I’m feeding any cat.
You What’s its name?
Julia His name is Macho. He’s big, black, and very nice. What are you doing?
You I’m doing my homework, but I’m bored.
Julia Why are you doing your homework? Tomorrow is Saturday.
You Because Indonesian students go to school on Saturday.
Julia I see. Have a nice weekend.
Bye bye.
You Bye bye.

Communication Cards
Card 3: Student A and Student B
Key: the differences are:
Card 3 - Student A
The CD is in the wardrobe.
The shoe is on the bed.
The pens are on the armchair.
The pencil is under the chair.
The jeans are on the bedside table.
The magazines are under the bed.

Card 3 - Student B
The CD is on the bed.
The shoe is in the wardrobe.
The pens are under the chair.
The pencil is on the armchair.
The jeans are under the bed.
The magazines are on the bedside table.

Card 4: Student A and Student B
Card 4 – Student A
Nigel is riding a bike.
Karen is eating a slice of pizza.
Mrs Webster is reading a newspaper.
Mr Webster is drinking orange juice.
Simon is writing a letter.
Mr Greenfield is feeding Jeremy.
Mrs Greenfield is taking a photo.
David is playing football.
Julia is listening to music.

Card 4 - Student B
Karen is riding a bike.
Julia is eating a slice of pizza.
Mr Webster is reading n newspaper.
Mrs Webster is drinking orange juice.
David is writing a letter.
Mrs Greenfield is feeding Jeremy.
Mr Greenfield is taking a photo.
Simon is playing football.
Nigel is listening to music.

English Module (Part 6): Developing Skill

Developing Skills
1. Tell the students they have to listen to the recording and circle the pieces of furniture in Julia’s room. Only some of these are actually in the room.
This is a description of Julia’s room: there’s a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe where she keeps her clothes, and a desk with a chair. There’s a stereo too, with a lot of CDs, and there’s a shelf with books and magazines about her main interest: basketball. It’s a small room, but it’s very nice and tidy.
Things in Julia’s room:
a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a desk with a chair, a stereo with CDs, a shelf with books and magazines.
Reading (p.2/22)
2. The students have to read the text on their own and write the names of the pets the British usually keep in their homes under the pictures in their books.
3. Students can answer the questions in class, or at home as homework.
Key: Possible answers:
1.      Pets are animals you keep in your house as companions.
2.      Yes, they do. British people love animals.
3.      The most common pets are dogs, cats, canaries and goldfish.
4.      A collie is a big dog.
5.      No, you can keep a collie in a large house with a garden.
6.      You can keep small dogs like spaniels or Yorkshire terriers.
7.      Because cats are independent pets.
8.      Canaries are small birds and need little space. They sing, too and people like to listen to them.
9.      Because plants provide oxygen for the fish.
10.  Fish, hamsters, and rabbits.
11.  Open answers.
Summary writing
4. Tell students that, if they like, they can use the answers to the questions in the previous activity to make a summary of the passage “Pets”. They can add connectors like and or so to join the sentences together and write two or three paragraphs. The activ­ity can be done as homework.
5a. Students listen to the recording and complete the interviewer’s questions.
Interviewer       What’s your address?
Girl                  25 Station Road.
Interviewer       How many rooms are there in your house?
Girl                   There are six. A living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet. I also have a garden.
                     Interviewer       Is your room large or small? Can you describe it?
Girl                   It’s quite large. There’s a bed, a bedside table, a bookshelf, and a stereo. There are also posters of my favourite pop stars on the walls.
Interviewer       Have you got a pet?
Girl                   Yes, I’ve got a cat.
Interviewer       What’s its name?
Girl                   His name’s Puffy.
Interviewer       Can you describe your cat?
Girl                   Yes, he’s black and white. He's got a long tail and long whiskers. He’s very nice.
Interviewer       Who usually feeds your cat?
Girl                   My mother.
Interviewer       When does he have his food?
Girl                   He has breakfast in the morning - he drinks a bowl of milk - and he has dinner in the evening, usually a tin of cat food.
Interviewer       Well, the interview is over, thanks a lot.
Girl                   That’s OK.
What’s your address?
How many rooms are there in your house?
Is your room large or small? Can you describe it?
Have you got a pet?
What’s its name?
Can you describe your cat?
Who usually feeds your cat
When does he have his food?
5b. Students add sentences in Jenny’s answers.
There are six. A living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet. I also have a garden.
It’s quite large. There’s a bed, a bedside table, a bookshelf and a stereo. There are also posters of my favourite pop stars on the walls.
Yes, he’s black and white. He’s got a long tail and long whiskers. He’s very nice.
6. Students exchange roles while reading the text of the interview.
7. This recording is mainly composed of sound effects. Students have to understand what some people are doing from the sound effects they hear and complete some sentences.

English Module (Part 5): Exercises

Exercise 3 (p.2/19)
1.    There aren’t any socks in the chest of drawers. There are some on the bed.
2.    There aren’t any school bags under the bed. There are some under the desk.
3.    There are some books on the bookshelf.
4.    There aren’t any pens on the desk. There are some under the chair.
5.    There aren’t any shoes under the chair. There are some under the chest of drawers.
6.    There aren’t any magazines on the bedside table. There are some under the bedside table.
7.    There are some dresses in the wardrobe.
8.    There are some exercise-books on the desk.
9.    There aren’t any blouses on the bed. There are some in the chest drawers.
10.    There are some posters on the wall.

Exercise 4 (p.2/19)
1.    British children don’t go to school on Saturday.
2.    My family and I like to go on holiday in summer and at Christmas.
3.    School lessons start at half past eight.
4.    I have a good breakfast in the morning before I go to school.
5.    My birthday is in August; in fact it’s on August 11th.
6.    The restaurant opens at six o’clock in the evening.
7.    Julia, Nigel and Simon go to Finchley Sports Centre in the afternoon.
8.    David has piano lessons on Wednesday and Friday.

Exercise 5 (p.2/21)
1.    Nigel is running the 800 metres.
2.    Julia and her friends are playing basketball.
3.    Mr and Mrs Webster are watching TV.
4.    Miss Jones is writing a letter.
5.    David is surfing the Internet.

Exercise 6 (p.2/21)
1.    Is Julia listening to music? No, she isn’t. She’s reading a book.
2.    Who is sleeping?
3.    Karen isn’t lying on the grass.
4.    Nigel isn’t playing tennis. He’s running the 800 metres.
5.    Miss Jones is sitting in the living room.
6.    What are Mr and Mrs Webster doing? They’re working in the garden.

Exercise 7 (p.2/21)
1.    Who is taking the photographs?
2.    Jeremy is eating his dog food.
3.    Are Simon and Nigel doing their homework?
4.    Where is Julia going?
5.    What is Karen drinking?
6.    Are David and Jim having breakfast?
7.    Who is feeding the cat?
8.    Mrs Greenfield is closing the window.

English Module (Part 4)

Tape-script and key:
Nigel isn’t very tidy, so his room is usually in a mess before Mrs Greenfield does the housework. Look, there’s a CD in the wardrobe and there are some magazines and a sweater under the bed. Nigel’s jeans are on the bedside table and his socks are on the stereo. There are no cassettes on the stereo. They’re in the chest of drawers. And look, there are no pens on the desk. Guess where they are! On the chest of drawers of course. There’s a shirt under the desk and... that’s really strange: a shoe on the com¬puter. By the way, where’s the other shoe? There it is on the bed! There are some books under the armchair, and if you’re looking for a pencil there are some under the chair. What about your room? Is it as messy as Nigel’s room! I hope not.

3b. Pair work. Students practise saying where the various items are. Move around the classroom and help them, if necessary.
Supplementary activity
Students make a list in their exercise-books of the things in their rooms. Then, they describe their rooms to their partners using There’s a … and There are some...

Writing/speaking (p.2/17)
Tell students to look at the picture. Each of the characters is doing something. Students must use the phrases in italics to write sentences which describe what the characters are doing.

Nigel is feeding the monkeys.
David is listening to music.
Jeremy is lying on the grass.
Mr and Mrs Greenfield are eating a sandwich.
Karen is reading a book.
Mr and Mrs Webster are taking photographs.
4b. Pair work. Students check the sentences they have written.

Grammar Practice (p.2/18)
Exercise 1 (p. 2/18)
1.    There are some dresses on the bed.
2.    Are there any detective stories on to bookshelf?
3.    There are two pairs of shoes under the bed.
4.    Is there a bedside table near Karen's bed?
5.    There are exercise-books, pens, and pencils on Karen’s desk.
6.    Is there a computer in Karen’s room?
7.    Are there two armchairs in Karen’s room?
8.    There is a school bag on the chair.

Exercise 2 (p.2/18)
1.    No, there aren’t any shoes on the floor.
2.    There are some magazines on the bedside table.
3.    There are some pencils under the chair.
4.    There are some blouses in Karen’s wardrobe.
5.    No, there aren’t any CDs on Nigel’s bed.
6.    Yes, there are some pens on Karen’s desk.
7.    No, there aren’t any jeans on Nigel’s bed.
8.    There is one shoe on the computer and one shoe on the bed.
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